02 03 John Brown Kin: Two Great Posts About Harpers Ferry 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Two Great Posts About Harpers Ferry


I would like to recommend a great Blog to my readers. The Blog is called History Matters - The Historical Musings of Jerad Frederick, and he is a fellow blogger here at Blogger.com. I hope you enjoy his blog and particularly these two posts about The Sesquicentennial at Harpers Ferry

 The first post is a detailed account of the Friday Night Events at Kennedy Farms and the walk to Harpers Ferry. A walk I wish I could have done, if my knees were better. But at least I was a participant in the events Friday evening.

The second post is a detail accounting of the Raid with great citations.

Please let Jared know that you enjoyed his blog!

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